BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 2 " SUBJECT, VERB, COMPLEMENT, MODIFIER" KELOMPOK 6 Disusun Oleh : Endang Pasaribu (26217710) Kintan Bunga Larasati (23217228) Muhammad Hilman (24217049 ) Ratih Puspita Sari (24217982) Risthy Wulandary (26217615) 1. Marie has registered for both the afternoon anthropology class as well as A B The evening sociology lecture. C D Answer : D. Because there “anthropology class” so the correct answer should be “sociology class” not lecture. Reason : The structure should be paralel 2. Compact discs areaffected neither by scratching and by dust. A B C D Answer : D. and Reason : Because ‘neither...nor’ is paired conjunction or correlative conjunction, which means conjunction that are always paired 3. Plastics used to ...