BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 2 " SUBJECT, VERB, COMPLEMENT, MODIFIER" KELOMPOK 6 Disusun Oleh : Endang Pasaribu (26217710) Kintan Bunga Larasati (23217228) Muhammad Hilman (24217049 ) Ratih Puspita Sari (24217982) Risthy Wulandary (26217615) 1. Marie has registered for both the afternoon anthropology class as well as A B The evening sociology lecture. C D Answer : D. Because there “anthropology class” so the correct answer should be “sociology class” not lecture. Reason : The structure should be paralel 2. Compact discs areaffected neither by scratching and by dust. A B C D Answer : D. and Reason : Because ‘neither...nor’ is paired conjunction or correlative conjunction, which means conjunction that are always paired 3. Plastics used to make textiles can be drawn into fine threads, then woven or knit A B C D into fabrics